Card Collection Reward Issue (December 3, 2024)
We are aware that some players are experiencing issues with their Card Collection rewards. Our team is actively investigating the matter and...
Update regarding Star Quest Rank Resets
It has come to our attention that some of our players are attempting to reset their Star Quest Ranks by following some steps shared in our o...
当你遇到任何云存档连接问题时,请不要在联系支持团队之前卸载游戏。这可能会导致糟糕的进度丢失问题。如果你最近在连接云存档时遇到任何问题:- 请稍后再试,看看问题是否仍然存在- 尽量不要切换设备- 不要卸载游戏和/或重新同步云存档。这可能会导致糟糕的进度丢失问题。