Card Collection Reward Issue (December 3, 2024)
We are aware that some players are experiencing issues with their Card Collection rewards. Our team is actively investigating the matter and...
Update regarding Star Quest Rank Resets
It has come to our attention that some of our players are attempting to reset their Star Quest Ranks by following some steps shared in our o...
使用雲端儲存功能時若遇到連線問題,請先連絡客服。請勿直接刪除遊戲,您可能會因此喪失遊戲進度。若您近期在進行雲端儲存時遇到任何連線問題;- 請稍等一下再行嘗試,確認問題是否仍持續發生- 先不要轉換裝置- 請不要刪除遊戲或與雲端重新同步,您可能會因此喪失遊戲進度。